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You like the idea of WheresSpot and use it occasionally
You are on WheresSpot often - for work and community
You love WheresSpot, have gotten help here and appreciate the work it takes
You have gotten work here: $200 or more—commensurate with what you’ve made.
WheresSpot Needs Your Help
WheresSpot’s mission has always been focused on being a trusted resource for the free exchange of expert production knowledge and referrals, as well as a passionate, supportive community.
We now have over 16,000 members and continue growing every day.
You’re probably not aware of the work that goes on behind the scenes to ensure that the information shared on WheresSpot is authentic and valuable. For starters, we personally vet every applicant, moderate every post and enforce the few rules we have to maintain a civil space and positive culture.
To continue to keep WheresSpot the essential community it has become, we need your help.
We need to hire additional people for member support. We need an R&D fund to enable us to evolve, explore enhancements, and even consider a platform shift. We know there’s so much more we can do for the community. For example: creating member profiles, including a map so you can see who is where; more educational initiatives. And on and on.
To make this happen, we need to raise capital. So we’re reaching out to you, our amazing members.
Thank you for contributing as much as you can to help us maintain and improve WheresSpot now, and for many years to come.