Group Rules:

  1. To become a MEMBER, you MUST fill out this form.

    Click link to fill out the member request form - You may NOT view, post or comment unless you do.

  2. Let's Keep it about Production and Advertising

    Political type posts, for example, not appropriate, unless there's a production or advertising angle.

  3. Be Kind and Courteous

    We're all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Let's treat everyone with respect. Kindness is required. No name-calling.

  4. No Unhelpful, hateful or snarky comments

    Snarky comments that add nothing to the conversation are not welcome: they're negative, and triggering, by design. For example, comments complaining about a rate they feel is inadequate or complaints about a request for a diversity hire.

    Such comments will be deleted. Anyone doing that more than once or twice will be removed from the group.

    Bullying of any kind isn't allowed. Degrading comments about things like race, religion, sexual orientation, etc. will not be tolerated.

  5. No promotional type posts

    TThis includes "I just made this cool thing" type posts, "I'm available" type posts and "Stuff Available" type posts. Fine to post if you're a "Buyer," not fine if you're a "Seller."

    Similarly, no "non-responsive" comments, please. If someone's looking for a location scout, no need to chime in "if you need catering, or styling, I'm here for you." That's noise, not signal. Imagine if everyone did that, would suck.

  6. Respect Everyone's Privacy

    Being part of this group requires mutual trust. Authentic, expressive discussions make groups great, but may also be sensitive and private. What's shared in the group should stay in the group.

    In addition, if someone posts: "please contact me by posting here, or DM" or whatever, respect their wishes and, for example, do not email them or text their cell - if you have it.

  7. No griping about bad behavior by others

    If you're getting stiffed, etc and you want to warn others, outing offenders an excellent idea: the problem is, there often are two sides to story; also, the person/company you're complaining about may not be here to defend themselves, etc. So we can't welcome these type posts.