Freelance Agency Producer - Virtual Event Recap

Another fabulous WheresSpot virtual event has come and gone.  The topic: Freelance Agency Producing.  You can watch the recording of the event here

WheresSpot founder, Perry Schaffer hosts three experienced agency producers about the current state of agency freelance producing.  With over 160 attendees, it has been on of our most popular sessions ever. I think that’s primarily a result of our fabulous guests.

Liz Graves, Kati Haberstock and. Lisa Kalb Schaffer

The conversation includes discussions about the differences between Agency Staff, and Agency Freelance producing, pay rates and fees (project vs. day rate - and what the hell - HOURLY ???), bosses and how to be part of the creative team - not just a manager, scope of work, skills (both in production and it the technology agencies use), marketing yourself, and finally… getting work!

The wide ranging conversation brings insight from our guests with over 100 years of combined production experience. The bottom line? There is plenty of opportunities for those who can think on their feet, are flexible, well trained and curious.

You won’t want to miss the recording of the event here.


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